Frequently Asked Questions
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese art of healing. While many of the modern day acupuncture techniques still hold true to what began thousands of years ago, acupuncture is no longer just about working with energy and Qi. Acupuncture works with many systems of the body including the nervous system, muscular system, and endocrine system. Needles are inserted in certain points of the body to create an effect either locally or at another part of the body.
What conditions can acupuncture/ herbs treat?
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can treat a variety of conditions including:
Allergies, Asthma, Sinusitis, Headaches, TMJ, Back Pain, Sciatica, Musculoskeletal Problems, Insomnia, Anxiety, Dizziness, Depression, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Addictions, Indigestion, Constipation, Post-Operative Recovery, Palliative Care, Endocrine disorders, Menstrual Irregularities (PMS, endometriosis, pain), Menopause, Female & Male Infertility, Lactation Difficulties, Postpartum, Stress Management,Carpal Tunnel syndrome,Headache and Migraines, Rheumatism, Facial Paralysis/ Bells Palsy, Weight Loss, Stroke, and Neuropathy.
*This is not a comprehensive list, if you are interested in knowing if acupuncture can help your condition please contact us!
Do you accept insurance?
We are currently IN NETWORK and can bill directly to :
Blue Cross Blue Shield
MGH Brigham (Allways)
United Healthcare
VA Community Care (referral required)
We are OUT OF NETWORK with any insurance not listed above, meaning we do not bill directly. If your plan has Out Of Network benefits, we can provide all documentation required for you to submit to insurance for reimbursement. Payment is due in full at time of service.
We are NOT ABLE to accept MEDICARE. You can find more information on Acupuncture coverage for Medicare here :
*PLEASE NOTE* Not all plans have acupuncture benefits. Your benefits must be verified by our office before your appointment in order for us to bill your insurance. This verification is complimentary and does not guarantee coverage. If we are unable to verify your benefits, or if you do not have coverage on your plan, payment will be due in full at the time of service.
We highly suggest you verify your acupuncture benefits with your insurance company prior to booking. To do this, please call your insurance company's member support (on the back of your insurance card) to confirm acupuncture coverage.
How often do I need to get acupuncture?
Treatment plans are customized for each patient after the initial intake. Most patients with chronic conditions will start coming in 1-2 times per week for 6-12 weeks. This allows the body to jump start the healing process, and get results quicker. Once symptoms are resolving, your acupuncturist will guide you in decreasing frequency, ideally getting you to a maintenance schedule.
What should I expect at my first visit?
Your first visit will begin with a comprehensive health history. Your acupuncturist will then make a diagnosis and treatment plan. We ask that you please wear loose fitting clothing that can be pulled up past the knees and elbows.
Treatments last 30 minutes - 1 hour and are typically very relaxing, many people fall asleep! You are welcome to bring ear plugs or head phones to listen to music, guided meditations, podcasts, or audiobooks of your choice!